Egyptian Blue Lotus- What is it and why should I use it?


The Egyptian Blue Lotus flower, AKA  Nymphaea caerulea, or blue water lily, has been used cermonially for thousands of years.  It is used as a natural aphrodisiac, as well as an excellent sleep aid and anxiety reliever. In larger amounts, it is known for its psychoactive properties.

What is this lovely flower?

Egyptian blue lotus flower is a water lily that predominantly grows in Egypt and certain parts of Asia. It is known for its cultural imporance. Images of the flower have been found on ancient scrolls and walls of tombs. It is believed to have been used as traditional medicine in Egypt. Because of it’s nature as a mind-altering substance, it has been used in spiritual and religious contexts as well. The sacred flowers were only available to the elite, priests, or the dead.


The Egyptians built their religion around the sun, and the blue lotus flower opens in the morning and closes at night, so it was believed to be deeply spiritual. It became a representation of their beliefs. The color blue was also of deep importance to the Egyptians. They believed their kings came from heaven and their crowns were dyed blue. In heiroglyphs, blue depicts water, life, and rebirth.

Egyptian Mythology

The Egyptian culture had a deep reverence for the world around them and the creations held within, from plants to animals and everything in between. The flowers of the blue lotus were steeped in red wine and used in religious ceremonies and “celebrations.” The Egyptians were a very sexual people and there are many depictions in heiroglyphics surrounding blue lotus and it’s use in these celebrations. The lily is often associated with rebirth because of how it grows.


According to Egyptian mythology, creation came from the primordial waters of the Nun. A flower that grows directly from the water, blooms a few days a year, then receeds into the water must be inherently mystical. Many of you may have heard of the Eye of Horus. It is said that Set ripped out they eye of his brother, Horus, and then buried it in the ground. A blue lotus flower sprang from the ground where it was buried. The blue lotus is now said to be his eyes on earth. Horus was the god of the war and sky and he was married to Hathor, goddess of love and pleasure (among other things). She was also closely linked to the blue lotus flowers because of its aphrodisiac properties.

Properties of the Sacred Blue Lotus Lily


Originally, Egyptian blue lotus was used for digestive ailments, especially of the liver or urinary tract, as well as an aphrodisiac. Known as an etheogenic drug, the main compounds responsible for these effects are aphmorphine and nuciferine. According to, apomorphine is a dopamine agonist, which is responsible for the happy/euphoric feeling. It can help with muscle control for conditions such as ED (erectile dysfunction) and Parkinson’s disease. Apomorphine is a compound that is known for is psychoactive properties, as well as its role in dopamine and seratonin physiology. “Dopamine is a neurotransmitter with critical functions in memory, motivation, cognition, learning, sleep, and movement,” according to Because it can mimic dopamine, blue lotus can be helpful for insomnia, depression, ataxia, and even schizophrenia. Egyptian blue lotus can carry a risk of side effects such as nausea, vomiting, and hallucinations.


Nuciferine is a compound that acts similarly to antipsychotic drugs in that it induces feelings of calmness. This is also responsible for aiding in blood flow, which helps with ED. It influences the dopamine effect of apomorphine. Nuciferine has been shown, through research,  to have medical potential due to its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antidiabetic, and anti-tumor effects.



Benefits/Dosing of Blue Lotus Flower

7 major benefits of Blue Lotus

  1. Promotes deep relaxation: It can help you sleep and relax better.
  2. Reduces stress and anxiety: Calms down the nervous system to help battle anxiety.
  3. Boosts collagen production: Helps keep skin soft and supple.
  4. Helps maintain blood sugar levels: It’s role as an anti-diabetic can help keep blood sugar levels under control.
  5. Supports digestive function: Promotes digestion and a healthy appetite.
  6. Lessens menstrual cramps: It’s relaxant properties can help with cramps.
  7. Natural aphrodisiac: Can help with arousal and performance anxiety.







Are there risks involved?

As with anything, Egyptian Blue Lotus should be taken in moderation. There has been very little research done on it specifically. However, the major compounds, apomorphine and nucerferine have had a decent amount of research done to them. Again, everything in moderation so start slow. However, there are a few things for which you should be on the lookout. Blue lotus can cause skin itching. According to WebMD, it is likely safe when taken by mouth/as food. Obviously, it should be contraindicated for pregnant and breastfeeding mothers. Since it can lower blood sugar, anyone with hypoglycemia or tendency to low blood sugar should be extra careful here, especially if one is taking medication for diabetes. Because of its ability to lower blood sugar, anyone getting surgery should avoid blue lotus two weeks before and after any surgeries. Also it COULD interact with Phenobarbitol because of its ability to cause drowsiness.

What can I expect when using Blue Lotus flower?

Blue lotus can be microdosed in a vape. When vaping it will be extremely relaxing and should help with sleep as well. It can relax muscles and increase enjoyment in life. It is an aphrodisiac because of how it helps with blood flow, but this would be at a higher dose. For a more full type of experience, one would need to get a full dose of 0.6g-1g. At this level you could expect the feel that increased blood flow, as well as, possible hallucinations. Therefore, we package blue lotus in two ways: a 1 gram preroll with 1 gram of blue lotus OR a 1 ml vape with 1 ml of blue lotus in Pomegranate Martini or Blackberry Mojito.