What is THC-V and what does it do?

what is thc-v vs thc

What is THC-V and what are the effects?

Δ9-Tetrahydrocannabivarin, or THC-V, is a unique cannabinoid with multiple health benefits. Since synthetic cannabinoids are making some news lately, it is important to mention that THC-V is exctracted from the whole plant and is not synthetic.

The first possible benefit of THC-V is appetite suppression. In this study, they found, ” In rodent studies, THCV decreases appetite, increases satiety, and up-regulates energy metabolism, making it a clinically useful remedy for weight loss and management of obesity and type 2 diabetic patients .”

Furthermore, they state “the uniquely diverse properties of THCV provide neuroprotection, appetite suppression, glycemic control, and reduced side effects, etc.; therefore, making it a potential priority candidate for the development of clinically useful therapies in the future.”

THC-V also has an energizing effect, making it good for people who need an energy boost. Preliminary studies show that it might have some neuroprotective properties as well.

Neuroprotective properties could make it a valuable weapon against diseases like Parkinson’s. This study found, “Given its antioxidant properties and its ability to activate CB2 but to block CB1 receptors, Δ9-THCV has a promising pharmacological profile for delaying disease progression in PD and also for ameliorating parkinsonian symptoms.”

What else can it do?

We’ve discussed the energizing effects, appetite supression effects, and possibility of the help with diseases like diabetes and Parkinson’s. What else can it do?

It’s possible that it could help with anxiety and PTSD.  There is much debate over whether cannabis will help or hurt PTSD. As someone who is married to an amazing combat veteran with PTSD, I can tell you that it helps immensely. However, since THC-V can be less intense than whole plant cannabis, it could be helpful to someone that has been overwhelmed by whole plant cannabis.

It also promotes the growth of new bone cells, which could make it a valuable weapon against bone breaks.

THC-V is less sedative in its effects compared with regular THC. It’s anti-inflammatory properties make it excellent for pain caused by swelling. As with any CBD or THC product it’s best to start slow and gauge it’s effects and your tolerance. Whether your micro dosing by vaping or taking a gummy to last a while, THC-V is definitely worth a try.

Cannabis products

How do I enjoy it?

One thing we’ve noticed is that a lot of folks are mixing THCV with Delta8 (which seems a bit counter intuitive to us) so we have added it with Full Spectrum Distillate instead. That way it helps to keep the cost down without adding something that causes munchies to something that is supposed to suppress appetite. As mentioned earlier, it is extracted from the cannabis plant. However since it is naturally occuring in smaller amounts, it can be quite expensive.

So at Hemp Trails CBD, we have developed several THC-V products, including gummies, cartridges, and tincture, with sativa or indica terpenes.  Cartridges have 350mg of THC-V and 350mg of Full Spectrum Distillate, Tincture has 250mg of THC-V and 250mg of Full Spectrum Distillate, and the Gummies are 150mg of THC-V and 150mg of Full Spectrum Distillate.